Saturday, October 9, 2010

First step

I do not think that there is someone  who doesn't know cooking, any one who can boil  an egg  he /she can be a good cook  too!!! don't you think so? 

what really made  me create this blog was that I found Iranian dishes  oppressed by Iranians themselves, they have not represented   Iranian cuisines to the world  in suitable way. 

" have you ever tried any Iranian food?"    ..." Oh  yes chelo kabab was wonderful."   ... chelo kabab  and chelo kabab... 

so stay tuned with me  to get some delicious Iranian food recipes step by step  from different regions of Iran. 


  1. Wonderful! Thats very generous. I have tried few Iranian dishes and I must say the food was good and delicious.
    I do have the basic qualification of boiling eggs a number of times during my lifetime, lol.
    I am staying tuned!

  2. salam shahid

    ty for the visit, and yeah please stay tuned lol

  3. this salafee knows which iranian dish he likes..hint hint at wannabe cook

  4. First, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to take picture and for the detailed instructions. I am not Iranian but I love your cuisine and we do have one wonderful restaurant in my area that has all these great dishes but I was told nothing tastes like homemade. I tried the walnut stew and the barberry rice and they came out wonderful. I was wondering though what you personally use to make your Advieh mix , I heard people have different ratios and different ingredients. Thank you from a fan:-)

  5. To the dear anonymous visitor, who asked me about advieh,
    I also thank you for visiting this blog and taking your time to comment,I really appreciate it,
    actually I don't measure spices(advieh) I just go by my own instinct, I trust my eyes and my experience,
    Thank you
